Read carefully


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Entertaining game with one key message to keep in mind. I like how the game constantly challenges the player to go against that message.

Your gameplay matched your message pretty well. If you want to you can freeze your Z axis to avoid rotation. I think we all know the context of the game, but a couple words explaining why the character must stay would have been welcome. Good Job on this.

(1 edit)

A simple game with a nice message with a bit of jank which adds a more comedic effect. The second level pretty much just drowns you and the player looks like a fish moving through it.

The last part where it says it is safe to come out really plays with you, which is a very neat concept. Overall, the game is pretty good.

I like it. It is and interesting approach, mind games with a twist. The second level was funny, kind of like a paranoid effect from being isolated indoors for too long. For the rotating part of the player if you want, you can freeze the z-axis on the <Rigidbody2D> to keep it from rotating left or right. Overall, nice work. Keep it up.

Thank i'll keep that in mind.

Game was a bit confusing but I enjoyed the trial and error the player has to go through in order to see the story/events unravel. 

Maybe to fix the player, you could use the Freeze Axis on the Rigidbody2D or the Collider, I don't remember lol. But it's still cool! I read the instructions first before I played the game so I knew (a bit) what I was getting into.

A game with an interesting twist that I enjoyed - it reminds me of the mind-tricky games where the solution isn't obvious and is more of an outside-the-box puzzle. I think you can avoid the falling-over bug by limiting rotation on the axis. I also liked the ending screen.